Adalia Pemberton Smith & Isaac Smeele
Adalia Pemberton Smith, Alumni Laurie Laird Adalia Pemberton Smith, Alumni Laurie Laird

Adalia Pemberton Smith & Isaac Smeele

January 2024

Adalia Pemberton-Smith is a highly trained and sharp individual who brings playfulness and deep curiosity to all her projects. She has studied theatre at the Dome, performed for over a decade with Le Nouveau International, teaches improvisation at Theatre Sainte Catherine, and is currently studying for a BFA in Contemporary Dance with a minor in First Peoples studies at Concordia University. Adalia is passionate about creating equity and ecological sustainability in the arts sector. She is a co-founder of the non-profit organization Mossy Society leading their yearly festival, Festival d'Arts Entralaces (Interwoven Arts Festival - and heading the granting and fundraising efforts that keep things running.

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