Félix Lamarche
Félix Lamarche, Alumni Laurie Laird Félix Lamarche, Alumni Laurie Laird

Félix Lamarche

August 2023

Félix Lamarche is a Montreal-based independent filmmaker exploring the possibilities of the documentary praxis. "Far Away Lands", his first feature, was released in 2017 and won the Pierre and Yolande Perrault award the same year for best first documentary feature. Since then, he directed and produced a string of short films which were screened at film festivals in Canada and abroad. In 2021, he participated in an intensive 11 days international workshop with filmmaker Werner Herzog, which led to the completion of a short fiction film. "A Night Song", his most recent documentary, had its world premiere at Dok Leipzig in Germany in October 2022. His work deals with relationships between humans and the landscape through an exploration of subjective visions, as well as the many strange facets reality can take. He is interested in both traditional and experimental film language and is currently working on his second documentary feature.

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Amanda Hale
2023 Laurie Laird 2023 Laurie Laird

Amanda Hale

July 2023

Amanda Hale is a multi-genre Canadian writer with four novels, two collections of short fiction, and two poetry chapbooks published. She won the Prism International prize for creative non-fiction and has twice been a finalist for the Relit Fiction award. She is the librettist for Pomegranate, an opera to be toured by the Canadian Opera Company in 2023, based on her poetry collection - Pomegranate: A Tale of Remembering. For more information about Amanda check here: www.amandahale.com

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Emilie Smith
2023 Laurie Laird 2023 Laurie Laird

Emilie Smith

June 2023

Emilie Teresa Smith is an Argentine-born, Canadian-raised Anglican priest who has dedicated her life to the defense of our sacred planet home. Since the age of seven she has loved writing, crafting her first book (with illustrations) called The Poor Snake. Since then she has written several books, for adults and for children. She has also published numerous articles and essays, especially about her work in Latin America, where she has lived on-and-off for several years. Emilie believes that NOW is the time for us to take hold of what it means to be human creatures, part of this wide web of life, and to rediscover the power of radical love for one another.

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Barb Snyder
Barb Snyder, Alumni Laurie Laird Barb Snyder, Alumni Laurie Laird

Barb Snyder

May 2023

I studied and practiced visual arts and creative writing alongside a 38 year career as a fisheries biologist in the Pacific Northwest. For 30 years, I have been a printmaker in Vancouver winning best local printmaker at the Biennial International Mini Print show in 2008. I exhibit new print art annually at our Granville Island studio. My photographic art has been shown in a number of publications and reviews of my printmaking have appeared in the Vancouver Sun, Galleries West/BC Living and Pacific Rim Magazine.

Wallace Stegner’s novels conjure memories of my family history immersed in prairie life. A stay at Wallace Stegner house appeals to me as a biologist, birder, printmaker, photographer and as a poet. I am especially grateful to be spending time at Eastend during a transition season to observe the environment as one season gives way to the next and spring bird migration begins. Here, where prairie and foothills meet, I can explore the unique geology, topography and biology of the area. I will adopt the ancient Japanese calendar of 72 seasons, making detailed observations across creative disciplines to explore a close connection to, and collaboration with, the landscape. I would like to speak to residents for their views on both seasonal change and any longer term changes observed. Knowing that Wallace Stegner was also an environmentalist resonates with me.

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Megan Cole
Megan Cole, Alumni Laurie Laird Megan Cole, Alumni Laurie Laird

Megan Cole

March 2023

Megan Cole is a tattooed food enthusiast with an obsessive reading habit. As a journalist Megan has worked for community newspapers, CBC Radio, and Canadian Press. Her creative nonfiction has appeared in The Puritan, Invisiblog, untethered, Hungry Zine, Chatelaine, and The Fiddlehead. Megan is working on her first creative nonfiction book titled Nice Boys Don’t Kiss Like That: Womanhood Explored through ‘90s Rom-Coms, MSN Messenger, and First Loves. When Megan isn’t writing, reading, knitting or cooking, she’s working as the director of programming and communications for the BC and Yukon Book Prizes. She lives and works on the territory of the Tla'amin Nation in BC. For more about Megan visit her website at megancolewriter.com

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Caroline Woodward
Caroline Woodward, Alumni Laurie Laird Caroline Woodward, Alumni Laurie Laird

Caroline Woodward

April 2023

Caroline Woodward writes for children and adults with nine published books to date, including her picture book for children, Singing Away the Dark, which is now published in French, Korean, Bulgarian, Chinese and Japanese. She grew up on a homestead in the Peace River region of B.C. which has inspired many of her books and for which she was awarded an honorary arts degree by Northern Lights College in 2016. Most recently she spent 14 years as a lighthouse keeper on B.C.'s west coast, about which she wrote in her best-selling book, Light Years: Memoir of a Modern Lighthouse Keeper. For more information about Caroline please check here www.carolinewoodward.ca or woodwardonwords.blogspot.com

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Danny Peart
Danny Peart, Alumni Laurie Laird Danny Peart, Alumni Laurie Laird

Danny Peart

February 2023

Danny Peart was born in Port Dalhousie, Ontario and currently resides in Vancouver, B.C. He is supported by his wife, Janette Lindley, two sons, Max and Nick, and a Yellow Lab, Mila. He has worked as a Bartender, a Personal Trainer, and the Parts Manager for a farm equipment dealer in Ontario. He has published 4 books: Ruined by Love (poems), Stark Naked in a Laundromat (stories & poems), Another Mountain to Climb (poems), Not Quite So Handsome (poems). He is most comfortable reading and writing in a quiet café. (daily) Though he seeks the mountains often for hiking, skiing and snowshoeing.

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Gayle Nemeth
Gayle Nemeth, Alumni Laurie Laird Gayle Nemeth, Alumni Laurie Laird

Gayle Nemeth

January 2023

Gayle finds inspiration for her writing on her farm with her husband, dog, and horses in Treaty Six territory, Northeast Saskatchewan. Her career as a writer follows years of teaching in First Nations classrooms both in northern and southern Saskatchewan, Community College and as an English as a Second Language instructor with the Saskatoon Public School Division and Global Gathering Place. She published her short story “Snowbird” in the 2022 edition of the Saskatchewan Writers Guild magazine, Spring and is currently working to complete a historical fiction novel, The Will. For information about Writing The Will, you can refer to her website http://gaylenemeth.ca. Gayle shares the love Wallace Stegner had for the land and finds his writing to have considerable influence on her own.

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Marie Lovrod
Marie Lovrod, Alumni Laurie Laird Marie Lovrod, Alumni Laurie Laird

Marie Lovrod

December 2022

Marie has been working for several years on related poetry and creative non-fiction projects. She has taken part in several Saskatchewan Writer’s Guild self-guided and facilitated writing retreats and a long-term writing class with Candace Savage. She has been honing her writing practice with a stable writing group.

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Caitlin McCullam-Arnal
Caitlin McCullam-Arnal, Alumni Laurie Laird Caitlin McCullam-Arnal, Alumni Laurie Laird

Caitlin McCullam-Arnal

August 2022

Caitlin McCullam-Arnal is a writer who grew up in Loree, Ontario. She draws inspiration from things that piss her off and make her smile. She lives in Treaty 4, Southwest Saskatchewan with her husband and eight rescue animals. She is published in the anthology, apart: a year of pandemic poetry and prose, Transition, and Spring magazines. She co-facilitated The Writing for Mental Health Workshops 2019-2020 at Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge, Treaty 4, SK. Currently, she is working on a novel-in-progress, Dame.

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