Barb Snyder

May 2023

"Science describes accurately from outside, poetry describes accurately from inside. Science explicates, poetry implicates. Both celebrate what they describe." Ursula le Guin.

I studied and practiced visual arts and creative writing alongside a 38 year career as a fisheries biologist in the Pacific Northwest. For 30 years, I have been a printmaker in Vancouver winning best local printmaker at the Biennial International Mini Print show in 2008. I exhibit new print art annually at our Granville Island studio. My photographic art has been shown in a number of publications and reviews of my printmaking have appeared in the Vancouver Sun, Galleries West/BC Living and Pacific Rim Magazine.

Wallace Stegner’s novels conjure memories of my family history immersed in prairie life. In 1927, my grandparents immigrated from an urban home in Austria to the wilds of northern Saskatchewan. A stay at Wallace Stegner house appeals to me as a biologist, birder, printmaker, photographer and as a poet. I am especially grateful to be spending time at Eastend during a transition season to observe the environment as one season gives way to the next and spring bird migration begins. Here, where prairie and foothills meet, I can explore the unique geology, topography and biology of the area. I will adopt the ancient Japanese calendar of 72 seasons, making detailed observations across creative disciplines to explore a close connection to, and collaboration with, the landscape. I would like to speak to residents for their views on both seasonal change and any longer term changes observed. Knowing that Wallace Stegner was also an environmentalist resonates with me.


Emilie Smith


Megan Cole