Michael Kenyon

Michael Kenyon was born in Sale, England, and has lived on the West Coast since 1967. He’s the author of seventeen books of poetry and fiction. The Beautiful Children won the 2010 ReLit Award for best novel. Other work has been shortlisted for the ReLit Award, the Commonwealth Writers Prize, the SmithBooks/Books in Canada First Novel Award, the Baxter Hathaway Prize (Cornell) in fiction, The Malahat Review Novella Prize, Prism international’s fiction contest (won twice), the Journey Prize, and the National and Western Magazine Awards.

He has been employed as a seaman, a diver and a taxidriver. Presently he works as a freelance editor and a therapist and lives in Victoria with his wife and cat.

“Kenyon is a master of style and, to brilliant effect, works to re-enact the tricks of the human psyche.”

-- Gillian Harding-Russell, Prairie Fire


Memet Burnett


Kent McNeil