Kelly Cooper

Kelly Cooper is a writer, artist and teacher who started her life on a farm in Saskatchewan. She now lives on a farm in Belleisle Creek, New Brunswick. She was seven years old when she first received recognition as an artist. One of her crayon works was featured on the Grandpa Sneezby Show and she received a prize of three chocolate bars and a colouring book in the mail.

She is interested in many different forms of creative expression and has published a short story collection for adults (Eyehill, 2004, Goose Lane Editions) as well as award-winning creative non-fiction and poetry. Her recent work can be found in the children’s picture books, If a Horse Had Words (Tundra 2018) and Midnight and Moon (Tundra 2022). Both books won the Alice Kitts Memorial Award for Excellence in Children’s Writing. She is looking forward to being inspired by the beauty of the prairie landscape as she works on her next project.

Her work has been published in People Department Magazine and Font. Every month, she sends her newsletter, “Hand Cramps” into the ether.

Instagram: @kellycooperwrites


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