Hannah Davis

Hannah Bel Davis is a writer and visual artist working, creating, and trying to befriend the crows on the traditional and unceded land of the Halkomelem-speaking peoples, also known as New Westminster. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Concordia University and a BFA in Film and English from Simon Fraser University. Hannah’s writing and visual artistic practice is inspired by horror, fairytale, and the aesthetics of folk art. She writes genre and literary fiction as well as nonfiction personal essays. Her current practice involves discovering new tensions between text and illustration and exploring what relationship the two have in her own practice.

Her work has been published in People Department Magazine and Font. Every month, she sends her newsletter, “Hand Cramps” into the ether.

Artist Website: hannahbeldavis.ca

Instagram: @hannahbeldavis

Newsletter: hannahbeldavis.substack.com


Dominika Prejdova


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