Ann Ward
Ann Ward is a writer, editor and teacher. Her work has appeared most recently in Pinwheel Journal, Peach Mag, No Tokens, This Magazine, Minola Review, and Powder Keg. Originally from Ontario, Canada, Ann has an MFA in Fiction from UMass Amherst and teaches at Bard Microcollege Holyoke, a college for women whose education has been interrupted by pregnancy, parenting, and systemic issues.

Donald Wright
Donald Wright is a historian at the University of New Brunswick. Broadly interested in Canadian intellectual, cultural, and political history, he is the author of numerous articles, book chapters, and books. He is currently writing a book about Canadian historian Ramsay Cook (1931-2016) who was born in Alameda, Saskatchewan.

Colin Starkevich
Colin was awarded residence at the house for the month of June 2015. During this time he was inspired by the native grassland surrounding the Eastend area to create a number of plein air paintings.