Kate Finegan

Kate Finegan is a fiction writer whose work is supported by Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, and Toronto Arts Council. She is novel/novella editor for Split/Lip Press. She was winner of PRISM International's 2020 Jacob Zilber Prize for short fiction, as selected by Kristen Arnett, and was awarded The Fiddlehead’s 2017 fiction prize for a story which judge Rabindranath Maharaj called “pitch perfect” in its balance of “humour and pathos.” She was runner-up for The Puritan’s Thomas Morton Memorial Prize for a story featuring chickens which, according to judge Heather O’Neill, “have the personality and depth of Dickensian characters.” She grew up mostly in Tennessee and recently moved from Toronto to Saskatchewan with her spouse and two cats.

While at the Wallace Stegner House, Kate will be working on fiction that explores the permeability of the body within its environments. Inspired by place and the complexities of home, she is looking forward to experiencing Eastend in the winter. See more here https://katefinegan.ink/index.html and find Kate on Twitter.


Ashlyn George


Edward Peck