Diana Chabros

In 2012, Diana relocated from Regina to Val Marie, a village in deep southwest Saskatchewan

at the cusp of Grasslands National Park. She walks and listens to the land which deeply inspires

her paintings.

A trained visual artist with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a Masters degree in arts

education, her colour-rich fictional and traditional land scapes urge the viewer to adopt a more

meaningful connection to their inner and outer environments. Her related training for more than

a decade has included short residencies, various workshops with senior artists, an informal

ongoing mentorship with senior visual artist Marsha Kennedy, intensive study with international

Yoga creatives/teachers, Brenda & Georg Feuerstein, and with international intuitive painter/

psychotherapist Aviva Gold, MFA, MPS, CSW, ATR-BC, REAT known for her transformational

Painting From the Source workshops and retreats.

Moved by the power of the land - its subtle energy, palette, geology, and sentience as a

biological living entity - Diana documents, through paint, her dialogue with the area’s rich mix of

cultures, stories, and sentient beings. Her work has been exhibited at the University of Regina,

the Art Gallery of Swift Current, Shurniak Art Gallery in Assiniboia, and alternative spaces

across southern Saskatchewan, and Kansas, USA. Her work can be found in both public and

private collections including the Saskatchewan Arts Board as well as on her website

www.dianachabros.com. Visit www.skystory.ca for retreat and event information.

An adjunct to her own professional art practice, Diana serves as a consultant/manager for her

busy life partner, a senior interdisciplinary artist and nêhiyaw/Cree knowledge keeper, Joseph

Naytowhow from Treaty Six. She also delivers Nature in Me© Intuitive Painting Retreats, cares

for many Val Marie cats, and and operates a small bed & breakfast.


Kent Tate


Barbara Meneley