Jenny Clark

Jenny Clark’s current work is a love letter to fire ecology, kindled when she watched her beloved valley of the Rocky River in Jasper National Park burn in 2003.  While her previous work had been based in her exposure to art therapy, Buddhist meditation, 5-element acupuncture and Abstract art, the fire paintings are a mix of her scientific knowledge of wildfire and her long habit of painting abstractly from the subconscious.   

The fire work continues to this day, transitioning from the night of the fire through the incredible ecology of regeneration. Now, every summer she is drawn back to past burns to photograph and paint..

She was born in Victoria BC and earned a BSc in biology from the University of Victoria in 1978.  She spent her working life as a park interpreter in several Rocky Mt National Parks and as a conservation education officer for both Alberta and NWT Wildlife services. She attended the Alberta college of Art from 1987 to 1991graduating with a honours in painting. In 1992, she became a mother and continued her painting practice around the demands of motherhood. Her son is now grown and she maintains a studio in Victoria.

She looks forward to her time in Eastend to encounter a new landscape.


Robert Leblanc