Emilie Smith

June 2023

Grant Winner

Emilie Teresa Smith is an Argentine-born, Canadian-raised Anglican priest who has dedicated her life to the defense of our sacred planet home. Since the age of seven she has loved writing, crafting her first book (with illustrations) called The Poor Snake. Since then she has written several books, for adults and for children. She has also published numerous articles and essays, especially about her work in Latin America, where she has lived on-and-off for several years. Emilie believes that NOW is the time for us to take hold of what it means to be human creatures, part of this wide web of life, and to rediscover the power of radical love for one another. Her current project is a book length memoir: Mad Love for the World: An Anarcho-Anglican Half-Life. Emilie is joyfully married to choir director, Patti Powell. She is the mother of three marvelous men, and grandmother to four. It keeps getting better!

Is not this the fast that I choose to loose the bonds of injustice to share your bread with the hungry and to bring the homeless poor into your house? Isaiah 58: 6-7a


Amanda Hale


Barb Snyder