Danica Klewchuk

Danica Klewchuk is based in Edmonton, Alberta. In 2020, she was a mentee of the Writers’ Guild of Alberta Mentorship program. Her work has appeared in Event and The Gateway Review, and is forthcoming in Crazyhorse.

Danica is a fiction and creative non-fiction writer with a blog that details her experiences as a waitress and real-life based anecdotes. She enjoy travelling and reading, and gets a great deal of inspiration from these two sources.

Most recently Danica has been working on a book-length project about the Slavic deities her grandmother told her stories of when she was a girl. The story is set in a fictional town near Old Wives Lake and has been informed by the wildlife and landscape of Saskatchewan.

The deities in her story are aging, and the book is mostly set in a senior’s care facility. You can find her website at oneangrywaitress.com.


Norma Barsness


Jeff Wilson